Greetings, netlings. Imagi eichling at your service.
Seeing as I've not got anything brand new and fresh to show y'all, you've got to make do with some stuff I just randomly filched from my HQ over at deviantART.

mecha pencil, drawing pens & red stabilo pen
Every now and then, it's extremely fun to draw bloody things, did you know? I don't remember when and how it was exactly that I started drawing these kind of things, they just sort of... happened. But I probably was influenced a little by characters such as Emily the Strange and Happy Tree Friends, etc. As with a lot of my drawings, these were random and completely done for myself.

To Be Free...
mecha pencil, drawing pens, red stabilo pen & colour pencils
I started drawing this on a completely random and self-satisfying whim. I remember it was in the library, and I was waiting for my ride to come and fetch me. I finished the sketching and inking that night, on my bed.
Anyways, this is an OC (original character) of mine named Mace. This drawing is related to his sad, tragic past, which I'm still not quite clear of just yet.
Drawing chains is a BLOODY pain. Ahahaha, get it? BLOODY??? ...Nevermind.

mecha pencil, drawing pens, red stabilo pen, colour pencils and Photoshop
This was a request from a friend. A random character who I randomly named Dareios and is a half-demon. Lyrics in the background are from the song Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance.
Notice that his hoodie is blindingly, miraculously white.

Coming Undone
mecha pencil, drawing pens & red stabilo pen
This one is more recent then the previous ones, but it's just a random doodle. Nevertheless, it features more... bloodiness, so I thought I'd include it.
The line "You've already got me coming undone" is from the song Two Is Better Than One (Boys Like Girls feat. Taylor Swift), which I know clashes somewhat terribly with this image, but I thought it'd be cool if that particular line was interpreted literally.
I apologize in advance to any of you who are queasy when it comes to blood and gore. I assure you, I didn't mean you any discomfort, and anyway, this isn't the worse I have...
Besides, blood's nothing. It's just a red liquid that happens to be flowing through your body at this very moment! ...And if this is not the case with you, you are either some sort of alien/monster, or dead, in which case, I'm not sure I want to know you.
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