My nu 3d project still in progress.....
Hi, Router here. Got past my lack of productivity state and.. Now that I'm back, don't expect me to get back to drawing any sooner though. Because apparently I got into another art-related hobby... Just kinda lost interest in drawing.
imagi Router-Jax
Title: Funky Town - MoeMoe base
Media: 3Ds Max 2009, Photoshop CS3
Background: ..Dolls! D: Thing is, I've been eye-ing on Pinky St. and wishes of how I could have a plethora of those toys but as you may know me I'm cheap, and would rather get things for free. And therefore, out of these 'lewd' thoughts I get this idea of creating my own lineup of toys. This series will feature androgynous polygons that can be set apart from one another with different hair & headgear models, and customized textures. In a way, they're kinda like bearbricks+pinky street. Barely customized molds, different paintjobs=different toys 8D
The up side of it being 3D is that it's fully articulated and can be posed as you want. That said, I'm looking forward to creating scenes when I've created more doll customizations & background items for these dolls to interact with. It may not seem like a very productive hobby as it is but at least it's a good start. I assure you it'll look great when there are hundreds of customizations of these things. Plus, at least I get to familiarize working with 3D workfiles.
To be honest, actually I've always wanted to get into customizing toys as hinted above, just never got to it because I don't have the money & that my hand is shaky. Both of which is never a problem with digital files. Hence this sudden indulgence I should have realized sooner.
Also, about the logo, while I designed it myself I had to use a font by someone who goes by the name Ben Balvanz because I don't know how to create my own fonts lol.